As you can see from the figures, a Facebook ad with the right objective can yield fantastic results. Custom Carpentry wanted to increase their social media page followers and likes and boost brand awareness. With Facebook advertising we were able to deliver exactly that.
Custom Carpentry are a local carpenters with a workshop located in Blackboys, East Sussex. They create stylish and bespoke pieces for clients across East Sussex, West Sussex and Kent. From made-to-measure TV and media units to stunning staircases, all produced and built from scratch.
Business Owner, Sam came to us wanting to increase brand awareness and grow the Custom Carpentry Facebook and Instagram pages. We decided the best route to achieve his goals was to use Facebook ads. We utilised both a profile follow ad on Instagram and a page likes ad on Facebook.
After an initial conversation with Sam, we set up an ad campaign targeted at people in the areas he serves with the goal of catching their attention and as a result giving his Facebook page a like or Instagram profile a follow - depending on which platform the ad was shown to them.
Within the design of his ad we wanted to showcase Custom Carpentry's services. Their beautiful products speak for themselves. We created a slideshow video using a selection of pictures carefully selected by us, that really showcased his level of craftsmanship. Each photo featured the company logo to boost brand identity and awareness. As this ad was being designed to boost brand awareness and attract new page likes we decided to introduce Custom Carpentry in the main body of text, ensuring to simply and eloquently showcase what they do, where they are based and their range of custom built products.
The results were magnificent. Across Facebook and Instagram Custom Carpentry received 450 new page likes/ followers, which was a fantastic 57% increase! As well as great engagement on the ad itself with 295 reactions, comments and shares on the posts and a reach of 53.7k across Facebook and Instagram.
The ultimate goal of the ad was page likes, not only did we achieve this but the Custom Carpentry website also received a huge influx of traffic during this time with 1331% new users to the site. Sam also received a large number of enquiries from potential clients through both his website and Facebook.
Social media advertising can be a fantastic tool for any business and the results can be incredible with the right objective, message, effective set-up and audience in place.
Never worry about your website, let us know how we can help and we'll get it done.
Contact FD SupportFountain Digital Limited
10 West Terrace, Eastbourne,
East Sussex, BN21 4QX